2021, Vol. 4, Issue 1, Part C
The hemodynamic effects of intravenous etomidate (0.3mg/Kg) versus propofol (2mg/Kg) during induction of anaesthesia and endotracheal intubation
Author(s): Dr. Shoji Koshy and Dr. Jithin J Cherian
Abstract: The changes in heart rate and blood pressure are of no consequence and are well tolerated by healthy individuals. But in patients with hypertension, heart disease and coronary artery disease, the pressor response can result in an increase in the cardiac work load. The pressor response also assumes a higher significance in neurosurgical patients. This study was conducted on 100 patients. They were allotted into two groups, comprising of 50 patients in each group. IV line secured for all patient. All patients were premeditated with injection fentanyl 1µg/kg and glycopyrrolate 0.2mg iv 10min before induction. The mean baseline SBP of the etomidate group was 124.48 ± 13.75 and the mean baseline SBP in the propofol group was 127.14 ± 8.77. The p value after inter-group comparison is 0.0990, which is statistically insignificant suggesting that both groups were comparable at the start of study.
DOI: 10.33545/26643766.2021.v4.i1c.221
Pages: 189-194 | Views: 1175 | Downloads: 580
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How to cite this article:
Dr. Shoji Koshy, Dr. Jithin J Cherian. The hemodynamic effects of intravenous etomidate (0.3mg/Kg) versus propofol (2mg/Kg) during induction of anaesthesia and endotracheal intubation. Int J Med Anesthesiology 2021;4(1):189-194. DOI: 10.33545/26643766.2021.v4.i1c.221