Anesthesia Journal | International Journal of Medical Anesthesiology

Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Zafar Ali
P-ISSN: 2664-3766
E-ISSN: 2664-3774
Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology
Indexing: Index Copernicus 2018: 79.83
© Comprehensive Publications
P-ISSN: 2664-3766
E-ISSN: 2664-3774
Abbreviated Title: Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology
Indexing: Index Copernicus 2018: 79.83
© Comprehensive Publications
AnnouncementsFast Track Publication Service of Anesthesia Journal | |
The anesthesia journal provides fast track publication service to shorten the time to decision and publication. Authors if they wish can have their article published within 1 weeks of manuscript submission. If you wish to use fast track publication service, please submit your manuscript and write to editor at On the behalf of the International Journal of Medical Anesthesiology, I would like to extend my regard to all fellow researchers and scholars and wish prosperity in their field. (Editor-in-Chief) |