International Journal of Medical Anesthesiology
  • Printed Journal
  • Refereed Journal
  • Peer Reviewed Journal
P-ISSN: 2664-3766
E-ISSN: 2664-3774
Journal is inviting manuscripts for its coming issue. Contact us for more details.

2021, Vol. 4, Issue 3, Part B

S. No. Title and Authors Name
A comparative clinical study of methylprednisolone with ondansetron versus methylprednisolone with ramosetron in preventing postoperative nausea and vomiting in patients undergoing middle ear surgeries
Dr. Krishna K, Dr. Santhosh MCB and Dr. Shivakumar G
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 78-81
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A Clinical Comparision between 0.375% Ropivacaine and 0.375% Ropivacaine added with 0.5µg/kg dexmedetomidine in patients undergoing upper limb surgeries under supraclavicular brachial plexus block
Dr. Kaushal Kishore Kabir, Dr. Nidhi Sharma and Dr. KK Arora
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 82-85
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Comparative effects of esmolol and airway blocks in attenuating the hemodynamic response to laryngoscopy and intubation
Yugandhar Kandula and Shirisha G
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 91-95
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The hemodynamic stability intraoperatively and postoperatively in dexmedetomidine group compared to the one who were only infused with normal saline: Brachial plexus block
Dr. Raghu SP and Dr. Peram Srividya
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 96-99
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Comparison of efficacy of ketamine and dexmedetomidine for prevention of pain due to propofol injection
Dr. Kundan Gosavi and Dr. Gajanan Admane
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 100-105
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Low dose spinal with chlorprocaine a prospective observational study
Dr. Harshvardhan Santosh Deusecar, Dr. Nagendra BV
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 106-109
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Fascia Iliaca compartment block with 0.25% levo- bupivacaine versus intravenous fentanyl in patients with fracture of femur
Dr. Sneha Srinivas, Dr. Gaurav Misra and Dr. Richa Chandra
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 110-114
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Comparison of MAP between sublingual Nitroglycerin spray and normal saline spray in attenuating pressor response to extubation
Dr. Zakia Sultana M Tenagi and Dr. Vandana A Gogate
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 115-117
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Sublingual Nitroglycerin spray versus normal saline spray in attenuating pressor response to extubation: Changes in heart rate
Dr. Zakia Sultana M Tenagi and Dr. Vandana A Gogate
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 118-121
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Comparative study of palonosetron with metoclopramide and ondansetron in prevention of PONV in laparoscopic cholecystectomy a randomized controlled trial
Dr. Dheeraj Singha, Dr. Aman Thakur, Dr. Mohammed Faiser Nazar, Dr. Jai Singh, Dr. Shyam Bhandari and Dr. Priyanka Sood
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 122-127
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A prospective clinical audit on quality of anaesthesia and accidental awareness in patients undergoing elective surgery under general anaesthesia
Dr. PR Chauhan, Dr. HK Mahajan, Dr. Abhinav Gupta, Dr. Shalu Singh, Dr. Lokesh, Dr. Ravinder Dhanerwa and Dr. Mrinal
Int. J. Med. Anesthesiology, 2021; 4(3): 128-133
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International Journal of Medical Anesthesiology